La Paz, Titicaca

Michael Brossmann
Mar, 10. Dic 2019

Hey guys,

yesterday night I arrived in Cocha(bamba), so it’s time to post some pictures and tell what’s going on over here. La Paz is quiet an interesting city, lying at 3500 m above sea level between mountains (started in the valley but now the city is crowing towards the mountains, as well). It took me a bit to get used to the altitude, so we didn’t do that much running around in the city. Just visiting some places from which you have a great sight over the city.

The “almuerzo” was like a 30 people saturday family lunch thingy, so I got to know already half of Santis family, a funny crowd was that! Ah, and the “Chicharrones” were delicious

Sunday was Titicaca-time. Santi, two friends of him and me, we took a car and drove to the lake Titicaca - incredible landscape up there and the trout we had in a restaurant at the lake was aweeeeeesome, hehe!

Apart of that nothing much happened, cause I went to bed early with a small sunburn and a bloody headache (combination of altitude and sun isn’t that nice).

Yesterday was travel time, the bus to Cocha was supposed to take 6 hours, in the end we arrived here about 2 1/2 hours laters, cause there was a road blockade and we had to search for an alternative route. I had a really nice chat though with some people in the bus who just started talking to me and were really friendly (one of them offered me an “empanada” 2 minutes after started talking). Later on I got to know an Aymara teacher for “ensañaza alternativa” (a program run by the government to give classes to indigenous children in remote areas), a really interesting guy who wanted to know just about everything about Germany…

Arriving in Cocha I met up with the coordinator of Sustainable Bolivia and got to know the house where I will stay the next 2 months. A really cool place with 8 volunteers in total, fully equipped kitchen and a huge living room. Today they ll do all the paperwork with me and show me around a bit in the city, so let’s see what Cocha is like…

Below you’ll have some pictures of La Paz and Titicaca, have fun!

La Paz, Titicaca-1
La Paz, Titicaca-1
La Paz, Titicaca-2
La Paz, Titicaca-2
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La Paz, Titicaca-3
La Paz, Titicaca-4
La Paz, Titicaca-4
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La Paz, Titicaca-5
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La Paz, Titicaca-6
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La Paz, Titicaca-7
