
The day I almost saw the president (again)

22th of August 2009, somewhere close to Villa Tunari: Our bus stops and says he can't go on. What the …

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The day I almost saw the president

Evo was supposed to come! All villagers from the area were forced (!) to come (800 Bolivianos if they didn't, …

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The (Montezuma) Empire strikes back

That was one hell of a hell of a good weekend! Friday at around tenish we left the sustainable …

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Simón Patiño vs. Independence-/John's Birthday

Not much time (spanish class starts soon, then Bolivia Sostenible birthday, then nightbus to La Paz), so today just pictures. …

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Electrificación con fuentes renovables

Finally, wednesday and thursday the conference about the use of renewable energies in their different applications took place. In the …

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Fiesta Fiesta

Last saturday a couple of colunteers had their farewall party, which was really a lot of fun! Everybody dressed up …

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33 y un poquito

Hey all, I've been a bit busy this week, so I couldn't write earlier, but don't worry, I'm still alive! …

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Morochata, Misicuni

So, this is the countryside! Thursday around dawn we headed with some Energética-staff, volunteers and a small film-crew in two …

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