
Tue, 10. Dec 2019

Visited the South Western Township of Johannesburg which is the biggest township in South Africa. Over 3,8 mio. people are living there. Now afterwards I feel somehow touched and have to think about my impressions and what we have experienced. I write in english for that also the people from Dubai, London etc. will understand it.

Before we visited the Apartheidmuseum which was very interesting. We saw the houses of Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu and the house of a family living in Soweto. Children were talking to us asking for money. The township is very huge and not everz region of it is poor. There is also a region called soweto’s Beverly Hills. But we also saw other places which were very poor, without electricity and running water. Our guide told us that only 4 white people are living there.

I got used to speaking english quite fast. Sometimes the four of us even speak english to each other. It”s still a strange feeling to be now in Jo.burg. But I have to say that I feel relatively save. I think when you follow some rules (not going out at night etc.) it”s okay.

The only thing that annoys me is that I have been freezing during the night. But we will buy some hotwater bottles!
We hope that we can take a bus tomorrow to Zimbabwe. There it will be difficult to find a place where we can use the internet. So don”t worry if you don”t hear from us soon!

Great greetings to everyone! Tabea
