33 y un poquito

Michael Brossmann
Tue, 10. Dec 2019

Hey all,

I’ve been a bit busy this week, so I couldn’t write earlier, but don’t worry, I’m still alive!

The weekend was rather quiet, I had the light version of Montezuma’s revenge, so I didn’t do much, walked a bit around the city, slept, red, that kind of stuff. As well, I climbed up the Jesus statue from where you have a nice view over the city. Wasn’t soooo spectacular, but nice…

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The rest of the week I spent most of the time working or, better said, helping a french student building up his thesis project, which is a solar panel construction which is designed to supply the Energética office with energy. Next week there is an international conference organized by Energética and they want to present it there, so we built up the whole construction in the backyard of Bolivian’s Engineer Association in Cochabamba. Was fun, but I’m happy that it’s done, because it took us a lot of time to get it ready…Actually, I’m really excited to see how that conference will be like, some 80 guests or so are expected, so there will be a lot going on.

Apart of that I hope that after the conference I can start getting to know one specific project a bit more and do some actual work, now that the getting to know phase is done. Iris, who is responsable for the volunteers, comes back on monday (has been on another tour last week), so let’s see what’s happening then.

Another thing that I started last week were language classes, because I decided to learn some quechua while I am here. So I gonna be having two classes of quechua and one of spanish each week in one-on-one lessons and hope to be able to communicate at least a bit with the locals on my next tour with Energética! Until now the classes were really fun, but I think it is gonna be a tough job

Today we (7 volunteers) had our two football matches against some bolivians, which was really a lot of fun and we won both, yeaaah  (thanks to a british guy who turned out to just score about every ball he gets close to the goal…). Tonight there will be a farewell-party for a couple of volunteers who will leave next week, they made up a motto party “the cancha” (the biggest street market of bolivia), so it’s kind of a bad taste party with items you bought on that market, next time I’ll upload the pictures…

Right now, I ll have to prepare my costume and get something to eat, so that was it for today…

Have fun reading
